The Good
Life’s End Training is specialised in communication at
life’s end. In these training courses important aspects
about communication at life’s end are integrated. For
example subjects like death within different cultures, the influence
of one’s own beliefs, opinions and characteristics, dealing
with loss and grieving, announcing terminal diagnoses and having
conversations about self-deliverance.
The Good
Life’s End Training offers in-company training for organisations
whose employees professionally deal with life’s end. For
example doctors, nurses, employees or volunteers in (terminal)
care or of right-to-die societies. By clicking at the link
| in-company training |
you can find more information about our possibilities for an
in-company training.
Next to
in-company training The Good Life’s End also provides
public training for people who are personally involved with
or interested in life’s end. By clicking at the link
| open enrolment training |
you can find more information about our range of courses.
training |
enrolment training |